Baris Pertama
三寶喜尊 Sān Bǎo Xǐ Lenie Wu Zun
Row One: Three Great Buddhas :
Left: Yàoshī fó 药师佛
Shìjiāmóuní fó 释迦牟尼佛
Right: Ēmítuó fó 阿弥陀佛
Ēnán 阿南 (Ānanda)
Jiāyè 迦叶 (Kassapa)
Baris Kedua
Row Two: Three Great Bodhisattvas
Left (Seated on a white elephant):
Pǔxián púsà 普贤菩萨
Guānshìyīn púsà 观世音菩萨
Right: (Seated on a blue lion):
Wénshū pǔsà 文殊菩萨
(Mañjuśri Bodhisattva).
(shìshén 侍神) :
"Dragon Girl"(Lóngnǚ 龙女)
"Virtuous Wealth."善财,
Baris ketiga
Row Three: The Realm of the Dead & the Guardians of Buddhism
Left (holding bowl):
Duke Mǐn (Mǐn gōng chángzhāi 闵公长斋)
Center: Dìzàng wáng púsà 地藏王菩萨
("Earth Treasury King Bodhisattva")
(Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva)
Right: Dàomíng zūnzhě 道明尊者
Dua Sisi Kiri Kanan
The Two Sides: Celestial Man Yiu
four "Celestial Kings" (Tiānwáng 天王) / Catur Maharajika
Kiri Atas
Upper Left
(Carrying a pípá 琵琶, a kind of guitar):
Chíguó tiānwáng 持国天王
("The Celestial King Who Sustains the Nation")
(Dhriarastra, guardian of the east)
Kiri Bawah
Lower Left
(Carrying a dragon and sometimes a sword):
Guǎngmù tiānwáng 广目天王
("The Celestial King With Wide Vision")
(Virupaksa, guardian of the west, including relics of the Buddha.)
The dragon he is shown with in China is related to the nagas or snakes understood as protectors in Southeast Asian Buddhist art.
Kanan Atas
Upper Right
(Carrying an umbrella):
Duōwén tiānwáng 多闻天王
("The Celestial King Who Listens Much")
(Jambhala = Vaishravana = Kubera, guardian of the north)
Kanan Bawah
Lower Right
(Carrying a Sword and sometimes a ring):
Zēngcháng tiānwáng 增长天王 (Virudhaka, guardian of the south) ("The Celestial King Who Lengthens [Life]")
Baris keempat
Fourth Row: The Buddha of the Future & More Guardians / Buddha masa akan datang dan pelindung Dharma
Left: Guāndì 关帝
(=Guāngōng 关公 = Guān Yǔ 关羽)
Center: Mílè fó 弥勒佛
(Maitreya Buddha)
Right: Wéituó púsà韦驮菩萨
(Skanda Bodhisattva) #

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