WU YING SHENG JIANG meaning the Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals.Usually this group of Marshals will only appeared in Folks Culture Contexts or Folks Deities (民間信仰/民間神明文化), whereas in Main-Stream Taoism (正統道教), we have other groups of Marshals or Generals who are as the Protectors for an Area or Ritual/Ceremony areas.So who are they (五營為何人)? For Five Directional Camp Generals or Marshals, there are a few groups being recorded, here's some brief introduction on them:
1 - From Feng Shen Bang (Creation of Deities) 由封神榜演變而來East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)South: Nan Gong Shi or Nan Gong Que (南營南宮適/南宮闕)West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)North: Wu Ji (北營武吉) Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
East: Lei Zhen Zi (東營雷震子)South: Huang Fei Hu (南營黃飛虎)West: Yang Jian (西營楊戩)North: Chong Hei Hu (北營崇黑虎)Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
2 – From the Record of 36 Generals 由三十六將演變而來East to North: Zhang, Xiao, Lian, Liu (東至北營:張/蕭/連/劉)Central: Li Na Zha (中央李哪吒)
3 – From Buddhist Context 由佛教護法演變而來East to North: The Four Heavenly King aka Si Da Jin Gang(東至北營:魔禮青/紅/海/壽 - 俗稱四大金剛)Central: Pagoda King Li Jing (中央托塔天王李靖)Besides these few groups, there are some other groups, but after going thru the details, I found that, they are not suitable for releasing or putting-up, so please forgive me for that.Here are some introductions on Rituals/Ceremonies that involved in the Marshals/Armies (與五營兵將相關法事):1 – Diao Bing Qian Jiang (調兵遣將), this is a procedure that ALL groups that needed to perform before any Events commence2 – Fa Bing Dian Jiang (發兵點將), this is a procedure to summon, gather and appoint tasks to the Marshals and their respective subordinates3 – Jie Jie Ding Fang (結界定方), this is a procedure to set the Territory for the Marshals and Armies to stand guard, etc (mend for External and Internal Camps 外內界營相同)4 – Gao Shang Jun Ma (犒賞軍馬), this is a procedure to reward the Marshals and Armies after a certain Ritual/Ceremony ended5 – Dian Jiang Shou Ying (點將收營), this procedure only occurred at the end of the whole Ritual/Ceremony, this is to send back all the Marshals and their Armies to their respective posts (各營皆回各自崗位).

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